
Posts Tagged ‘a simple process to six pack abs’

How to achieve perfect six pack abs

February 6, 2012 2 comments

The two things you would need in order to achieve that perfect six pack abs are: discipline and determination. Without one or the other, the road to abs perfection can be a very long, torturous road indeed. Discipline means that you are more than willing to cut a lot of unfavorable elements in your diet, your exercise and current lifestyle; and really keep to a rigid perfect six pack abs program instead. Determination means you are sticking up to your discipline, no matter what. This sounds easier than it really is. But if you do want that perfect six pack abs, you really need to make some major sacrifices, like:

1. Keeping up with an escalating workout regimen. Like all great exercises, your perfect six pack abs program should be done on an escalating scale. As you grow stronger and more athletic, your exercises should also increase in both intensity and duration. This allows your body to gradually gain that musculature definition via natural means. Try to get into tip top condition first before trying any one of these intensified exercises. This is especially true if you are overweight, or you have a not-so-regular exercise regimen. These intensified exercises can give you perfect six pack abs, but only if you body is at par with the task. Don’t push yourself too soon into doing exercises that may be a bit more advanced than your current state of physical fitness. You will only find these exercises painful, and these will still not yield you the results you want. Escalate your workout regimen as gradually as possible.

2. Push yourself but learn to pull back too. The same way that people tend to overindulge with good food; people also tend to overindulge in exercising their physique. True enough: a lot of exercises (intensified or otherwise) can get you that sculpted look in a hurry. But if you constantly push yourself to the edge, without any thought to rest and relaxation, your muscles have the tendency to snap and break. This is particularly worrisome when it comes to abdominal muscles. You have to remember that abdominal muscles are connected extensively to the groin area and the back area. If you push too hard, too soon, and too fast, these are the areas that will most likely take the strain. Hernia and pulled back muscles are only too common in such cases. Give yourself some time to really rest before and after workouts. And try to get as much sleep as possible. This way, the muscle cells of our perfect six pack abs will retain its shape longer.

3. Drink lots of water. You have probably heard this advice over and over; but somehow people are still not listening. The advice says to drink lots of water, not lots of flavored fluids. It is common to see people working out and indulging in sports drinks, strength boosting tonics and even protein shakes. Unfortunately, these aforementioned fluids also carry sugar and preservatives which are all detrimental to acquiring the perfect physique. Stick to water – plain, unflavored, un-charged with ion water; if you feel faint or hungry after a workout, take a breather and munch on a fruit to keep the calories down.

a simple process to six pack abs

February 5, 2012 1 comment

To most people, getting six pack abs does not appear to be a reality. However,

Rectus abdominis muscle

Image via Wikipedia

allow me to change the thought process that you cannot get six pack abs, but rather how you can get six pack abs by positively stating that not only can it be done, however that it can also be done in as few as six months!

As I said before, getting six pack abs are not impossible yet very simple. I do need to clarify that although the process is foolishly simple, it is not easy. Getting six pack abs is simple, but you need to be aware that if you have to cut through years worth of fat build up it will not be entirely easy and it certainly will take some time. However, within 6 months you should see some positive results.

Thinking six pack abs are going to hit your core after a few workouts and a couple “lean” meals will set you up for nothing fast aside from a greater chance of failure. You won’t snap your fingers and see six pack abs. It is not going to be easy and at times you are going to quit. What you need to do is get back on board and consider your quitting nothing more than an extremely brief break. Believe that you can get six pack abs, work toward them in a disciplined and determined manner and you will then have no reason not to expect getting six pack abs! If someone is 10 or 100 (if they can still move around) then the process is possible, it is that simple.

There are three things you need to do here. You need to start a weight training or resistance program. You also need to implement a good cardio program, which is high in intensity. Lastly, you need to start eating a better diet and ensure you are eating nutritious foods.

Honestly, if you are not ready to get on, and stay on, a proper and nutritious diet you may as well only dream of six pack abs. Diet is that important and needed for getting six pack abs. How would you feel if you literally wasted a 1,000-calorie burning exercise session? I personally would be very disappointed, however if you do not watch your diet you could end up doing just that.

Aiming to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day will increase your chances toward dieting success. Personally, to me eating 5 or 6 times a day to get six pack abs seems to be more of a gift than a chore. Do you have any idea what eating in this manner will do for you? I will tell you, this approach will keep your metabolism working at a regular state and will also help keep you feeling full. I don’t know about you, but feeling full on a diet sounds really good to me!

If you want six pack abs, the only way to get them is to drop your total body fat levels. In other words, if you lose the belly fat covering your abs, you will see them. Picture it as moving a blanket and finding your child’s stuffed animal that they knew they had however couldn’t find. Everyone is born with the core muscles needed for stunning six pack abs, however the belly fat is what stops us from seeing them. That literally is the answer to getting six pack abs, lose the fat covering them up! If you want a goal to shoot for, aim to have about 10% body fat. 10% and anything below should really show off what you were born with!

If memory serves you correctly, you will remember I mentioned there were three tasks to getting six pack abs. Although dieting is imperative, why if you have nothing to show for it? If your goal is to get six pack abs, you may as well give up if you refuse to exercise. I understand it is very difficult at first, however they name it training for a reason.

It should be safe to say that seeing we are all different, as will be what works for one person will not necessarily work the same for others. Are you an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph? The reason you will need to answer that is those are only a few types of differences we as people have aside from genetics and heredity. Depending on your body type, there could be a whole range of different approaches you could take to your workout regimen.

I have never understood the science behind it, however the more lean muscle mass you build, the less fat you will have. This is because your body metabolizes your fat at a faster rate. Once your metabolism is burning fat, and you keep working out your body will start to show you the snowball effect you have been waiting for! If you want another reason to keep your metabolism stoked and burning, how about a guiltless meal where you can cheat?

Creating the deficit of fat is as easy as spending more calories than you are consuming. Creating a caloric deficit is imperative toward weight loss, fat burning, and showing off your six pack abs.

If you just started working out, congratulations! However, if you are stuck between focusing on creating a toned body or going for a bulkier physique, I would go with the latter. Doing this will help you see your hard earned results faster and easier than you thought once you really start shedding your fat!

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